As a member of the Provincial Team, this role reports to the Provincial Manager at Provincial Level; and is tasked to manage and support the overall strengthening of the m2m M&E system and working closely with MOH and m2m staff at Site Level. The position is based at Huambo, with frequent travel to site level.
Specifically the Provincial M&E Assistant will work closely with the m2m facility and community Mentor Mothers to reconcile m2m data with facility data also see to it that facility registers match the m2m tracking records and that all identified PMTCT clients and HIV exposed infants have been appropriately registered in both the m2m tools and the facility tools as appropriate for accurate and timely capturing of programme data. The Provincial M&E Assistant will also be responsible for early tracking of reach against targets to inform programs and M & E to take remedial measures. In collaboration with the Provincial Manager, the Provincial M&E Assistant will represent m2m at provincial level at relevant forums and TWGs. The Provincial M&E Assistant will report directly to the Provincial Manager.
Ensure complete and accurate data collection and reporting,
Follow up where there are missing data reporting forms, implement data quality controls.
Identify gaps collection skills among Site staff and provide onsite training
Ensure all staff understand indicators.
Ensure site staff have the needed tools at all times.
Capture m2m monthly site data.
Reconcile m2m and facility data for appointment diaries, monthly facility reports and Facility summary sheets on a monthly basis.
Support a monthly bi-directional data reconciliation between Community and Facility Mentor Mothers and provide feedback to Provincial Manager and SI Official.
Work closely with Provincial Manager to monitor progress on reaching site level targets.
Ensure all the M & E tools at facility and community are kept well and the data is accurately recorded.
Work collaboratively with Provincial Manager and the Site staff and identify areas of capacity building and training.
Develop a comprehensive monthly supportive supervision plan.
Participate in the M & E training components during PST and IST.
Support training and capacity building and rolling out of new initiatives and innovations.
Participate in m2m annual and quarterly reporting and other operations research activities to carry out data extraction , capturing and cleaning.
Represent m2m at municipal and provincial level to articulate the performance of m2m
Maintain a Sound relationship with MOH staff and other partners at the facility and district level.
Collaborate with other organizations working towards the same goal at provincial level and add value to provincial collaboration process for improved performance.
Build relationships at district, site and community level to enable collaboration and partnership in ensuring data management.
Coordinate data exchanges and reviews with facility partner.
Provide technical support and on-going supervision to site level staff on Commcare.
- Engenharia de telecomunicações
- Excel
- Informática na óptica do utilizador
Degree in a related field and/or 2-3 years relevant experience.
Demonstrated experience in implementing Health/HIV M&E systems for reporting
Proven ability to interact with multicultural teams to address the Project goals
Proficiency with Microsoft office; including one data analysis package e.g.: SPSS/Stata
Basic understanding of HIV/AIDS indicators and performance tracking
Numeracy skills
Basic filing skills
Basic understanding of digital health platforms such as CommCare and DHIS2
Understanding of Microsoft Excel and Access
High level of accuracy and attention to detail
Possess good analytical and interpersonal skills
Ability and willingness to meet reporting deadlines
Ability to work independently, under pressure, remain calm and have sensible judgment
Ability to take direction and learn on the job
Ability to multi-task duties and apply practical problem-solving skills as needed
Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills; ability to work on own and within diverse teams
Able to work independently and provide effective feedback
Make a positive contribution to the overall performance of the m2m team
Willing and able to uphold m2m values
Fluency in Portuguese and local language and basic English knowledge
M2M - Mothers2Mothers
A mothers2mothers (m2m) é uma ONG sediada em África que desbloqueia o potencial das mulheres para eliminarem a SIDA pediátrica e criarem famílias saudáveis em dez países da África subsariana. A m2m dá formação, emprega e ajuda a empoderar mulheres seropositivas com o objectivo de trabalharem como funcionárias do sector comunitário da saúde em clínicas com carência de pessoal e nas comunidades menos privilegiadas. Através de um modelo descentralizado de comunicação, estas “Mães Mentoras” prestam uma diversidade de serviços de saúde, aconselhamento e apoio às mulheres e suas famílias. Iniciada na cidade do Cabo, África do Sul, em 2001 com o objectivo inicial de evitar a transmissão do VIH de mãe para filho, a m2m inovou e expandiu com base nos seus pontos mais fortes, e agora providencia apoio focado na família para uma diversidade de questões de saúde e sociais relacionadas, que vão desde a gravidez, ao parto, infância e adolescência. A organização também faz parcerias com os governos e outras ONGs na adopção do seu programa, que visa expandir o Modelo Mãe Mentora e os seus benefícios. A m2m tem um histórico comprovado de escalada dos seus serviços e impacto atestado. Até ao presente, a m2m alcançou 11 milhões de mulheres e crianças com menos de 2 anos de idade e criou mais de 11,000 postos de trabalho para mulheres africanas que vivem com o VIH. Para mais detalhes, visite
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